
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Julie & Julia

A mere four years after its release date, I have finally seen Julie & Julia. Yes, I am hopeless when it comes to seeing movies in a timely manner. I really am. Ever since I started this blog, I've been asked if I've been inspired by the film. My answer? No. This post is proof I hadn't seen it until today. I recall seeing a trailer in which a woman is seen weeping while hunched on her kitchen floor. Perhaps I was not in the mood for that kind of viewing. Like many of the movies I intend to watch, it went by the wayside and I figured I'd watch it on TV sometime. 

I have many movies I intend to watch, however my memory for books and movies is beyond ridiculous, and often I never get around to seeing what I want to, or end up buying books twice because I've forgotten I've already read them. Given how much and how quickly I read, I really should be working on techniques to ensure I remember the literary and popular culture I take in. I am completely intrigued by the notion of developing a Memory Palace - a way of remembering items by imagining a physical location for it. Properly called the Method of Loci, it was a mnemonic device introduced in ancient Roman and Greece rhetorical treatise (Wikipedia knows everything). Contemporary usage of Memory Palaces seem to suggest one needs to 'create' large places, with many rooms, palace-like... Hence the name, obviously. Right now, I'm pretty sure my Memory Palace would resemble a half erected tent in a rainy and windswept paddock, post-it notes fluttering along the barbed-wire fence, ink forever washed away...

What did I think of the movie? It was lovely, very sweet and very funny. I see why people are thinking my blog is a little like that. It's not much, but enough like it to warrant the comparison. My favourite bit? Well, there was a moment of much belly laughing when Julia Childs' husband, Paul, walks in on her chopping a mountain of onions. His recoil as he meets the eye-watering miasma of the kitchen is just hilarious.


I'll be cooking more tomorrow, haven't chosen which cake yet, but I'm sure it will be delicious.

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